My Journey with Lilith

When we invite Lilith into our life’s we invite magic and the healed version of ourselves. We invite an acceptance of and acknowledgement of what we will become. My personal journey with Lilith this year has been profound. Even me writing this blog is with the blessings Lilith has given me. I have had several half-written attempts at blog writing often put to the side as they were not perfect. As a child I was told my brain is too quick for my hand to catch up an I would often skip words or sentences. As an adult this has made me feel very conscious of sentence structure and grammatical errors, and in my busy life I don’t want to spend ages editing something…. But I wanted to communicate with you. I wanted to reach out and make a heartfelt connection with you. I wanted to welcome all the new people who have signed up to my website – but I hesitated. I procrastinated. I told myself stories that kept me from doing the work I am here for and meant to be doing. So this is me – warts and all. If you have seen me present or have seen me as a doctor or healer you know what I am about. Despite being likely to swear or say something inappropriate at any given moment, I care about you deeply.  So the Lilith energy that is asking me to reclaim, to step in, to show up and to midwife the transformation for those who seek it, is telling me “not to worry about semantics just get on with telling the fucking story Danielle.” The energy of Lilith has been calling me for months. In March I presented three workshops at the Seven sisters festival to over 300 women. I talked about all the things I love and feel passionately about as a holistic women’s health specialist – namely vaginas and menstruation. The feedback I received was humbling, so many beautiful women approached me personally and online to share their insights and ahaaa moment from these workshops. It was here I realised I can do more to help optimise menstruation experiences for women, I had already done the shamanic exploration on the pathology of menstrual conditions like PCOS and endometriosis, and I held knowledge of how to improve menstruation through nutrition and a whole health approach, hence the Menstrual Wellness Consultations were born.  March also saw my first Women In Medicine Circle and following conversations with health professionals who have reached out, I am excited to announce I will be holding circles and mentoring / workshops for the ‘hidden‘ and uncover healers working in any health profession who want bridge the medical and spiritual worlds. (Sign up to the special email list here if you would like to receive information about Bridging Alchemy). I also attended the Doula conference as was so excited to see the value and space holding Doulas do for women and families. This conference also highlighted to me the importance of support for women and families before birth and after and how the health system can sometimes fail in this. During all this time I had been feeling a tattoo design call me. Over Easter the design dropped in and I got the tattoo about one month ago. She represents all of my magic as a healer and doctor. The design incorporates a crystal representing my first healing modality, the snake and plant medicine. The moon phases representing my work with women through all phases of her life from birth, menarche, pregnancy, menopause and death. The day after I got the tattoo I went on to deliver a weekend cultural immersion at Cherbourg and Bunya Mountains for medical doctors and I wove the story of my tattoo and what it represents into my teaching.  The tattoo is pretty big so there is no more hiding who I am  – so in total Lilith style I leant into the discomfort and ignored the thoughts in my head about how doctors should look/act and I stepped up and owned it….and it was pretty fucking good hahah. After arriving home exhausted, I was sitting on the couch watching Netflix and saw what I thought was a coiled rope on the couch. Then I saw a pattern and realised it was a snake. I got up with my camera and was awed by what I saw. This beautiful python snake who I named Lilith stayed with us for three weeks (check out my Instagram posts here). True to her  magic she held space for myself and those that came to my Lilith moon temple and healing sessions were greatly transformed. I love how her visitation coincided with the energy of my tattoo and the opening of powerful astrology portals, winter solstice and the dark moon.   I also cannot stop thinking about the Lilith moon temple and the magic that was created.  We did some powerful work where we explored our own stories of suppression and what we were told we were or what we were supposed to do. We are too dramatic, too loud, too strong, too weak, too fat,  too lazy, too much and too loving. To watch women realise the bullshit behind these suppression stories and what is the magic they bring instead made my heart feel tender and happy.

How can you bring Lilith into your life? Well a good place to start is to read about Lilith, explore what your stories of suppression are, write them down and burn them because they aren’t you! Much love until next time (Fuck knows when that will be hahaha soon I hope) Take care, Dr Danielle xx SaveSave]]>